Sunday, 28 October 2018

Day 4 of EB awareness week 2018

Today is day 4 of EB awareness week;today I decide I would share with your all what I give to doctors, nurses or any medical professionals, that may work with me. I have gotten some of this information off websites that other EB members haves used for their used. Then I just added and change some stuff to modify what will work best for me. Also don’t forget to go to my Fundraising page and donate and you will get your name put in to a draw to have a chance to crochet butterfly blanket. Please feel free to share this with your family and friends and social media.
  #debracanada #ebweek
link to fundraising page:

Hospital care
Please Read Me!
Hospital care for Patients with Epidermolysis Bullosa
. What is Epidermolysis Bullosa , (EB), it is a genetic condition. My body can't produce the glue/protein I need to make my skin strong like yours. I get blisters easily and my skin can tear easily to. EB is not contagious or a disease.

. First-If you are not familiar with EB; please listen to the Patient, parents or caregiver. They have EB/know EB and usually know what works best for them.
- No tape or adhesives should be applied directly on the skin:
- Tape can Only be used to secure IV lines to gauze wrap or other bandage, but NEVER directly on skin.
- Gauze Rolls, Gauze Squares, IV board are EB friendly options to secure IV tubing.
- Prior to blood draws, IV insertions, and injections, dab with alcohol instead of rubbing.
- When drawing blood or putting an IV in please apply facecloth or a towel under the tourniquet.
- Please do not slide me during bed- transfers, please lift instead. When lifting, lift under knee and under back, or lift with bed sheet.
- When looking in my ears please don’t pull or squeeze.
- If you really need to put heart monitors on me please ask me. And don’t take back off I will take them off myself. Or you can remove the stick part and then put mepilex transfer over the part u need and it should stay on.
 - Lastly, please remember: I have EB and its ok to touch me I'm not contagious my skin is fragile please read this and ask me questions.

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